a sleeping beauty ... ... has been my blog. completely neglected and almost forgotten. na-not without its .. because the poor had some volunteered time and again.
love you for your news. It tutmir sorry that some of you were worried. I had to sign off but it was postponed to tag tag .. three months. "Shame"
no .. I have not been ill, flown to the moon or travel down to the world or even in soil. It is dazzling me, only in the stress .. but in such a positive. I have been working great since june of very large project and it would be no time and head for the blog. all the free time (what's this?) was dedicated to the children. poor sewing machine was also cold and dust completely. now I'm in final sprint to early December, I made it. Yeah! hopefully it will run more or less quiet and I can again be technically creative.
I've always looked purely reflected in your blogs .. and misses you. verprechen can not, however, that I here in the next six weeks can be very active.
I think of you and am soon quite there ..
love many greet
Lina Lu